Emergency Response
Hughes and Salvidge can offer an emergency response to assist clients whose property or buildings have suffered flood, fire, or structural damage and are in need of making-safe or require full demolition.

We have extensive experience of working for the emergency services or insurance loss adjusters to help secure structures, or demolish buildings in full, when they have been damaged due to unforeseen circumstances.
Whether you've got a simple question or you want to get started on a project, we can help you.
Fire at Pinewood Film Studios
Our emergency response service was illustrated in a project we conducted at Pinewood Film Studios, Iver Heath, when a serious fire decimated a set for a 007 James Bond film.
Acting as Principal Contractor for the fire damaged set, we were called in to demolish the 1-acre sized steel-framed building.
Health and Safety was paramount on this project due to the structurally unsafe nature of parts of the building.
We liaised with the Fire Brigade and structural engineers to ensure our Risk Assessments and Method Statement allowed for a safe demolition process.
Filming and production work continued throughout the rest of the site so we also had to address the hazards of working in a ‘live’ environment and ensure we considered the close proximity to staff and personnel involved with the film. We also minimised disruption to the remainder of the set by monitoring noise and vibration and by suppressing dust.
The project was very high profile with the fire and the demolition process were covered by national news channels. The damaged set building was eventually replaced by a brand new one in time for the production of the James Bond film ‘Casino Royale’.