Hangar 1, London Gatwick Airport
London Gatwick Airport
Hughes and Salvidge completed the full demolition of a maintenance hangar at London Gatwick Airport on behalf of British Airways and in conjunction with the Airport operations team.
The hangar was located in the British Airways maintenance area, an extremely busy area in the landside section of the Airport, and within close proximity to the Airport taxiways and runway.
Our main considerations when conducting this Sussex demolition project involved ensuring that all Airport operations continued, uninterrupted, and the minimising Foreign Object Debris (FOD).
Measures such as installing specific debris fencing and debris netting as well as additional precautions during structural demolition took place. We maintained as much of the envelope of the hangar as practical to create a barrier between our works and the busiest Airport areas and ensured our dust suppression measures were suitable for the works taking place.
Daily Activity Briefings (DAB) took place to discuss Health and Safety, identified risks and Airport protocol. Honest and open dialogue between ourselves, our client and the Gatwick Operations Team was paramount and ensured the project was completed to the client's complete satisfaction with no disruption to Airport daily activities.