Our guide to risk assessments
Luke Gould 16th September 2024
In demolition, risk assessments are essential to ensure potential hazards are identified, evaluated and controlled. It involves a detailed examination of the workplace and work activities to pinpoint the risks, so that measures can be taken to alleviate them.
At Hughes and Salvidge we prioritise risk assessments at the beginning of the planning phase for each and every project we undertake. We have expertise in this area, providing reassurance to our clients that we will consider all the possibilities ahead of time, enabling us to take all the necessary precautions to ensure safety.
There are five steps that we follow when carrying out risk assessments:
1. Preparation and Planning
Site Survey and Compliance:
- We conduct a detailed survey of the structure to be demolished, including its age, condition, construction materials, and previous use.
- We gather information about nearby structures, underground services, and any hazardous materials present, such as asbestos or lead.
- We always adhere to relevant laws and regulations, such as the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015, which govern the planning and execution of demolition work.
2. Identifying Hazards
Structural Hazards: We work to identify any potential structural risks, such as the risk of unplanned collapse during demolition.
Hazardous Materials: We will pinpoint any hazardous materials such as asbestos, lead, or other contaminants that may pose health risks during demolition.
Working at Heights: We assess risks associated with working at heights, including falls from edges, openings, or partially demolished floors.
Falling Debris: We identify areas at risk of falling debris and implement measures to protect workers and the general public.
Connected Services: We manage risks associated with live services, i.e. gas, electricity, and water to prevent accidents and service interruptions
3. Evaluating Risks and Implementing Control Measures
Risk Evaluation: We assess the chances of hazards causing harm and prioritise them accordingly.
Control Measures:
- Engineering Controls: We implement structural support and stability measures to prevent collapse.
- Administrative Controls: We develop safe work procedures and ensure they are communicated and understood.
- PPE: We provide appropriate PPE, such as hard hats, safety glasses, gloves, and respiratory protection.
- Safety Zones: We establish exclusion zones to keep unauthorised personnel away from high-risk areas.
4. Documentation and Communication
Risk Assessment Documentation: We document all identified hazards, risk evaluations, and control measures in a risk assessment report. This should be clear, comprehensive, and accessible to all relevant parties.
Communication and Training: We ensure that all workers are informed about the risks and control measures through regular briefings and training. We also utilise signage to reinforce safety messages and procedures on-site.
5. Monitoring and Review
Ongoing Monitoring: We continuously monitor the demolition process to ensure control measures are effective. We conduct regular site inspections and safety audits to check adherence, and identify any new hazards or changes in risk levels.
Review and Update: We regularly review our risk assessments and update as necessary to reflect any changes in the demolition plan, site conditions, or regulatory requirements.
What can clients do to assist with the risk assessment process?
Provide comprehensive information
Be ready to provide any relevant information that will help during the process, such as historical data on the building’s structure, any alterations that have been made, results of any surveys for hazardous materials, and information about the location and status of all connected utilities and services.
Appoint competent professionals
Ensure the company you employ to undertake your demolition work is competent and experienced - that’s where we come in. Hughes and Salvidge are celebrating 60 years in business in 2024, demonstrating our expertise and commitment to excellence. We work closely with clients throughout the project to ensure all aspects of the demolition are planned and managed correctly and safely.
Conduct thorough reviews
When your demolition company submits the risk assessment to you for your consideration, be sure to review it thoroughly to ensure that it covers all aspects of the project and aligns with legal and safety standards.
Keep communication channels open
Ensure that all stakeholders, including contractors, subcontractors, and workers receive the risk assessment and understand its contents. Hold regular meetings to discuss ongoing risks, control measures, and any changes to the demolition plan.
Monitor and enforce safety measures
Be sure to conduct regular site inspections to verify that safety measures are being implemented and adhered to during the demolition process. You should also ensure a system is in place for reporting and investigating any incidents or near-misses in order to continually improve safety protocols.
Get in touch
Contact us with any queries about the risk assessment process, or explore the demolition and decommissioning services we provide. You can also find out more about the industries we serve…