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MUNCH project

Community projects

Park Community School in Havant, Hampshire launched the MUNCH project in 2017 when it became apparent that the local food bank was regularly running out of food and some of the children weren’t getting a hot meal or where missing meals on a regular basis.

Initially just Thursday nights, the project now provides 2-course meals every Thursday evening and monthly Sunday lunches for children and the local community. They also provide a Christmas lunch each year (with presents for the kids) on Christmas Day which saw over 120 people fed last year.

munch project

“Wow, we’re so thrilled that you are sponsoring our local community. We’re pleased that you feel as passionately about our MUNCH project as we do.”

-The MUNCH team

They have a fridge and freezer in their community centre at the front of the school that is topped up with donations from local businesses and supermarkets for people in need to take the food they may require to cook a nutritious meal.

They have also expanded to have the school nurse available and volunteers to help with maths and English – for parents, children and other members of the local community.

Each summer, the MUNCH project provide breakfast and lunch every day during the school holidays whilst also continuing with every Thursday evening and Sunday lunches throughout the 6-week break.

All of the meals, guidance and assistance provided by the MUNCH project is FREE to the schoolchildren and the local community and that is why they need donations.

Hughes and Salvidge have been partnering with the MUNCH project since late 2018, we continue to support them with regular donations and in 2019, we provided £5000 to go towards the MUNCH Summer School Meals Programme.

Further information can be found at https://pcs.hants.sch.uk/munch.php


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