‘Green Hands Initiative’ Officially Rolled Out
Will Spong 2nd April 2015
A few weeks ago we informed you that the month of March was due to mark the start of an important new scheme at Hughes and Salvidge; our ‘Green Hands Initiative’.
The ‘Green Hands Initiative’ is an internal environmental strategy and action plan designed to help us work towards a sustainable future i.e. saving planet earth, and is now in full practice.
The initiative demonstrates to all our stakeholders, the constant importance we place on our environmental performance and how it is an integral part of our operations.
To raise awareness of the scheme amongst our employees and ensure that they continually contribute towards it we have produced two separate posters.
The top poster is currently on display throughout our offices and highlights the significance of recycling, whilst the other is designed for site usage and communicates to workers the need to minimise wastage, reduce spillage, lower CO2 emissions etc. when conducting demolition duties.
This is just another example of how Hughes and Salvidge does everything it can to carefully manage all its activities to minimise any impact on the environment.