Hughes And Salvidge Gets Involved In Rowner Regeneration
Luke Gould 3rd October 2014
Hughes and Salvidge have commenced work on the most recent phase of demolition at the Rowner Renewal Project in Gosport, Hampshire.
The Rowner Renewal Project is a £145 million regeneration scheme for Rowner in Gosport, replacing previous substandard housing and a run-down shopping parade. The eight-year long redevelopment includes new housing, and retail and community units. At the heart of the regeneration is the Rowner Precinct, which will contain 301 properties and various business units all in private ownership.
Hughes and Salvidge are undertaking the demolition of structures including housing, shops, other buildings and car parking adjacent to Nimrod Drive and Grange Road and areas of housing south of the Precinct adjoining Grange Road.